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Daniel Young BSc, CPT

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“My name is Daniel Young, BSc. ,CPT. I graduated from UCF with a BSc. in Sports and Exercise Science. I have been a certified personal trainer by the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA) for 6 years.
I have always been in sports my whole life but I discovered weight lifting when I was 19 years old, lifting at planet fitness in the middle of the night after work with my best friend. Now, I am exceling and driving myself to be one of the best coaches and bodybuilders in the world. I have guided hundreds of people through their goals, from weight loss and sustaining healthy habits to building muscle and creating their idea physique.

Personal Training Skills
  • Conditioning 100 %
  • Bodybuilding 100 %
  • Teaching Anatomy and Nutrional Concepts 100 %
  • Strength Training 100 %
  • Sport Specific Skills 100 %
Personal Training Experience
Personal training and Programing
6 Years working one on one doing monthly training and Nutrional programing
Sport Specific Specialties
Family Fitness

Meet Other Trainers

Working from home meant we could vary snack and coffee breaks, change our desks or view, goof off, drink on the job, even spend the day in pajamas

  • Bachelor's Degree: Sport & Exercise Science (UCF)
  • Certified Nutritionist (ISSA)
  • Pre & Postnatal Certified Trainer (GGS)

"Being healthy goes beyond just exercise and nutrition. In order to truly be healthy, we must not only learn to balance physical activity and diet, but also our sleep, stress management, social wellness, and mental health. I strive to help my clients find their strength and create sustainable, lifelong habits through strength training, conditioning, and sustainable nutrition practices."

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]My name is Sable Colon, originally born in New York, Brooklyn and I’m Puerto Rican. My transformation journey began back in August 2016. During this time, I had completed 4 years and 6 months of active duty in the United States Marine Corps. At the time, I was desperately seeking change in my life.. I slowly stopped living in the “party scene” and began attending church services and the gym. One day, I just felt a pull from God to become a certified personal trainer. In the process of taking courses, I made a decision to also renew my mind. My mind, my choices in how I lived began to change and in time I noticed my physical (body composition) transforming as well. Fitness is not about the physical but about your overall health and wellness. The decisions I’ve made began in my mind and heart, first. God had to change my mental, rebuild my character, renew my entire being and along my journey, I’ve made mistakes, overcame challenges, became resilient and stable in areas of my life I never saw coming. I’m still growing, still make mistakes but I’ve realized, in my transformational process is when I realized in order for us to keep growing, we have to keep going. KEEP GOING, KEEP GROWING is a principle I follow daily and encourage, motivate others to do the same. It’s not about how many times you fall, but how many times you get back up![/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading source="post_title" font_container="tag:h2|font_size:18|text_align:center" use_theme_fonts="yes"][vc_column_text]Personal Trainer - Growing up in a world of sports, I was extremely physically active during my youth. However, health wasn’t a priority of mine and towards the end of my high school basketball career I suffered a stress fracture in my foot putting me out for my final season. I was distraught, angry, and depressed. This led to unhealthy eating habits for several months, which in turn caused severe body image issues to develop.Through my journey to love myself again and truly live a healthy lifestyle, my passion for fitness grew exponentially. Leading me to become a certified personal trainer, with the goal of helping others lead healthier lifestyles, achieve their dream bodies, and learn to love themselves.My philosophy is built upon becoming the best version of yourself, which involves fitness being a key component. Understanding that everyone is different and has different goals, I’m well equipped to adapt and create a personalized approach to allow anyone to reach their fitness goals. My expertise aligns with weight loss and fat loss, muscle building, mobility training, body transformation, body sculpting/toning, and nutritional coaching.Whether you’re brand new to fitness and are looking for direction, or have some experience and want to take it to the next level, I’m dedicated to you! By providing support, guidance, motivation, and creating a non-judgmental environment for you grow, I know I can assist you in getting the results you’re looking for.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]